Information event on Chiroptera (bats) to raise awareness among the residents of the wider Kastoria area.
Bats and humans enjoyed each other’s company on Friday, May 3, 2019 on the shore of Lake Kastoria. It was a colourful afternoon, with Lalitsa member and post-PhD researcher at the Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki Dr. Ioanna Salvarina giving a series of fascinating presentations on these often controversial friends of humans. The mixed audience of children and adults was eagerly interested to find out more and asked many questions. The event was kindly hosted at the premises of Environmental Protection Society of Kastoria (EPPK), where about 70 local citizens took part filling the hall twice.
The children had the opportunity to be creative, doing handicrafts and drawings on bat themes and playing role games, while learning a host of information about these unique mammals. End result? Some of the myths and prejudices that often plague humans’ rapport to bats were shattered.
Next we hiked along the lake shore in order to register the various Chiroptera species and to record their sound on special devices made available to Lalitsa in the framework of the Mediterranean Αction Day 2019 by MIO – ECSDE .
Many thanks for the warm welcome and support are due to the Environmental Protection Society of Kastoria EPPK, to Mr. Nikos Panagiotopoulos, to the enthusiastic and lively audience and above all to the Mediterranean Information Office for its trust, support and cooperation.
This proved to be yet another opportunity for Lalitsa and its members to promote good practices in the fields of the environment, education and culture.