Environment, culture, education…

We identify a good cause, pool the resources and promote good practices.

We make a careful selection of actions in several fields such as the environment, culture and education.

We rely on state-of-the-art communication tools like social media to promote the outcomes of our actions to the broadest possible audience for the greatest possible benefit for all involved. We try to set a good example for others to follow and perform similar actions. Our methods are not copyrighted, so feel free to replicate!

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BECOME A MEMBER [/ fusion_button]
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Members in Belgium – Germany – Greece – Switzerland – [/ fusion_counter_box]
Ongoing actions [/ fusion_counter_box]
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= ” [/ fusion_builder_column] [/ fusion_builder_row] [/ fusion_builder_container]


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Good practices and synergy in Greece.

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We join forces to support environmental research actions.

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We introduce different social groups to good practices.

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We carry out smart and effective actions for a good cause!
We promote good practices in the fields of environment, education and culture in Greece.

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We select an idea, collect resources and recruit the best experts. We promote cooperation, support collective actions and set a good example for others to follow.

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Trust what you feel

Artnoise designers




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